Slowly but surely, economic recovery is happening after the massive disruptions caused by the pandemic. What does this mean for commercial construction? We at Register Construction expect to see a steady increase in projects moving forward from the planning stages. However, we still have one major issue that could slow things down: the labor shortage.
How to Handle the Continuing Labor Shortage
Anyone with experience in recent years in the construction field has seen firsthand how the industry has been impacted by labor shortages. Without a full crew, it can become nearly impossible to complete projects on a projected timeline.
One way to handle this situation is the obvious solution of hiring more workers. While this has been the primary challenge over the last decade, the future could bring more hands to the table as millennials and Gen Zers enter the workforce. These are two large demographic groups still in the prime of their working years, and many are looking for direction.
Attracting younger workers requires being proactive in the recruitment process and training programs. Community activism is one way to connect to this demographic, by working with groups like 4-H, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and Job Corps. Register Construction believes strongly in working closely with the community for this reason among others.
Training programs are another worthwhile investment, not just for recruiting new workers but also for upskilling the existing workforce. Helping current employees develop a broader range of skills will make them more adaptable when working with short-handed crews.
Prefabrication can be another strategy to use when pinched by labor shortages. Anything that can be crafted beforehand and stockpiled for future use can decrease the manpower needed to complete a scheduled project.
Plan Ahead
We at Register Construction can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it, and so can you. Invest in the youth and encourage educational programs focused on trade and vocational skills, and we’ll have a vibrant labor pool soon enough.
Register Construction’s services include pre-construction, design-build, general contracting, and construction management throughout Polk County and Central Florida. We’ve worked in every sector, including industrial, manufacturing, automotive and retail, warehouse and distribution, office and medical, education, and cold storage. Reach out and learn what we can do for you.